
Three Dog Gift Ideas and Tips on Matching Them to the Dog and Owner

What is the best gift for a dog? It depends on the dog breed, the pup's age, and their living environment. There are companies that can bundle items together and ship customized gift boxes for you, and they can even send out packages on a regular schedule.

Plush Dog Toys

Soft dog toys can be appropriate for little dogs, puppies, and even big ones. Designers have gone out of their way to create themes and characters to match a dog or owner’s personality. Some fun plush dog toys are shaped like sharks, coffee mugs, cupcakes, and ladybugs. Manufacturers sew these together to be pet-friendly. No loose pieces are attached to the outside, and the makers typically reinforce all of the stitching. Like many kid’s toys, these are machine washable. For added entertainment, look for soft toys that have a squeaker.

Tough Dog Toys

Heavy chewers have plenty of options, such as sturdy rubber and nylon toys. Rubber is a great option as it also cleans the dogs teeth. Nylon is good for those pooches that really need to chomp on toys. Both are a great way to stop the dogs from chewing on furniture. If the owner is a tennis fan, manufacturers have made giant tennis balls in the familiar bright colors.

Active Dog Toys

A doggy backpack lets hikers and their companions roam the trails. The dog packs are light, and the straps are padded for comfort. An easy way to ensure your four-legged friend has plenty of water on your walk is to get them a portable water dish. Still not sure what is the best gift for a dog? For more ideas, visit Pooch Perks at